Keep Your Skin Looking Beautiful

Here are some suggestions to keep your skin looking beautiful

  • homemade masks Drink lot of water through the day, not only to replenish moisture lost to the heat and sweat but also to help flush toxins out of the body and keep skin looking clear and lustrous. Herb or spice teas, made with skin-enhancing ingredients, offer added therapeutic benefit. Choose cooling herbs and spices such as mint, cardamom and fennel.

  • Eat lot of fruits, vegetables and herbs, which supply the skin with essential nutrients and come with free-radical fighting antioxidant properties while they help keep your skin cool. Carrots, lettuce, summer squash such as zucchini, celery, asparagus and leafy greens are good vegetable choices. Sweet juicy fruits such as pears, grapes, watermelon and mangoes both nourish our skin faces a constant barrage of chemicals everyday from pollution to harsh chemically formulated products that strip the skin of its natural balance.

  • Milk is a cooling beverage that also supplies nutrients to your skin and helps to keep it from drying out. Drink a cup of milk every day, and also combine milk with ingredients like almond meal and rose water to make a balancing skin cleanser.

  • Get plenty of quality rest each night. Keep your bedroom cool, dark and comfortable and sleep on cotton or linen sheets. Get to bed early and awaken early for clear healthy skin and sparkling eyes.

  • When you feel stressed, angry or frustrated, your skin will show it over time as furrows and small lines and breakouts. Practice calming yoga poses or meditation to stay serene and help your body and mind manage stress. Use essential oils, such as rose, sandalwood and lavender to keep mind and heart balanced.

  • Keep your skin nourished with a herbal moisturizer. Look for ayurvedic formulations that contain skin-friendly herbs such as sandalwood, turmeric, brahmi, amla and aloe vera. At least once a week, treat yourself to a fruit or vegetable mask appropriate for your skin type. Cucumbers, avocados, apricots and papayas lend themselves well to homemade masks.

  • Use some fruit or vegetable and blend with some yogurt, honey, oatmeal and lemon juice or rosewater and apply evenly to the face. Let stay for 15-20 minutes and then rinse off with lukewarm water. It will make the skin shining.

  • Eyes and feet should be given extra care everyday. Splash lots of cool water on your eyes. Soak some cotton pads in cool water or rose water and place them over closed eyes for 10 minutes.

  •  Masks for dry skin

    Peach- Peach nourishes the skin with silicon and helps to restore cellulose.
    Make mashed potatoes (puree) of peach and milk. Brush your face; leave
    it for awhile. The result will leave you speechless!
    Eggplant - Cut
    the eggplant into thin strips and put them in the face for 10-15
    minutes. Cover the face with a paper towel to prevent drying too quickly
    vegetables. Such perfect moisturizing mask gives the skin and glow on
    your face.
    Potato - Dry and peeled skin will soften if you stretch
    the mask over raw potato grater than last. The nutritional substances
    soften their fortunes irritation and dryness.
    Pumpkin - Boil some
    pieces of pumpkin and make mashed potatoes by adding a tablespoon of
    olive oil. Apply the mask on your face and a few minutes rinse with warm
    Banana - Make mashed banana dissolving and adding a little
    milk. Brush your face. If you have oily skin, you can use the same mask;
    simply add extra two or three drops of lemon batter.

     Masks for oily skin
    - To create a mask from cabbage stir well this chopped vegetable with
    an egg. Apply to face and leave for half an hour. Also you can just wash
    your face with cabbage juice without added egg. This amazing vegetable
    has anti-inflammatory action. Even wounds will heal fortunes faster if
    you rub a sex cabbage.
    Tomato - sliced tomato spread on the face and
    leave for 20-30 minutes then rinse with warm water first and then with
    cold. This mask will shake the very open pores. Moreover the interior of
    tomato can be used as piling because it contains acids that will break
    the layer of dead skin cells.
    Apple - Cut apple slices into boiling
    milk, dilute it until a paste and spread on the face just a little cool.
    Such a mask will boost perfect skin. A variation : mix apple and egg
    Apricot - The apricot is good for all skin types, but to make
    nutritional mask for oily skin enough to make mixing two apricot purees
    with a tablespoon of sour milk.
    Carrot - In the battle against
    blackheads will help mask carrot. Skip the raw vegetables grater and
    spread evenly across the face.

     Masks for cleaning and whitening skin

    Cucumber- cucumber juice from ancient times is also known as bleach. With his
    help you get rid of freckles if you periodically wipe your face with
    cucumber slices. You can also create a whitening mask if you spend it on
    the vegetable grater, add a little sour milk and stretch the face.
    - Dissolve the strawberries and mix with equal quantity of milk. The
    mass lay face up and cover with a towel. Just rinse the mask would be
    good to stretch your face a nutritious cream.
    Berries - Dissolved berries or juice mix with equal quantity of potato starch and spread evenly to the face.
    • How to use properly -made masks
    - Before using any mask must have very good clean your skin. Certainly remove makeup and wipe your face with a cleansing lotion.
    Fruits and vegetables must be fresh and clean and it is good to have
    room temperature. You just put them briefly in hot water so it is not
    cold. Remember that a nutritious mask to act better when slightly warm.
    - Do not hold the physical masks more than 15-20 minutes a few exceptions.


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