Home Remedies For A Dry & Flaky Scalp

    often described as dry and flaky skin on the scalp Home Remedies for a Dry & Flaky Scalp
Dandruff, often described as dry and flaky skin on the scalp, is caused by a number of factors including dry skin; excessively oily, irritated skin; not shampooing enough; psoriasis; and a yeast-like fungus called malassezia. While a dry and flaky scalp can be uncomfortable and irritating for many people, there are numerous home remedies that can help. However, these remedies have not been evaluated by the FDA, so you should consult your doctor or dermatologist before trying them.

Bean Curd, Honey and Lemon Juice

According to Jethro Kloss, author of "Back to Eden: The Classic Guide to Herbal Medicine, Natural Foods, and Home Remedies Since 1939," a mixture of bean curd, honey and lemon juice can be applied to the hair and scalp to reduce dryness and prevent flaky, scaly patches from forming. To use bean curd, honey and lemon juice on the scalp, mix 2 tbsp. of soft bean curd, 2 tbsp. of honey and 4 tbsp. of lemon juice in a small container. Make sure the container has a tight-fitting lid so you can store any leftover portions. Gently massage a small amount of the mixture into the scalp and roots of the hair for five minutes in the bathtub or shower. Wrap a towel around your shoulders and leave the mixture in your hair for 20 to 25 minutes. Rinse your hair with cool water to get rid of the mixture, then shampoo with a gentle shampoo. This process can be repeated daily unless there is irritation to the scalp or skin.

Coconut Oil

 Coconut oil is commonly used in Ayurvedic beauty care and medicine to fight dandruff or dry scalp. To use coconut oil, gently massage 2 tbsp. of pure, raw coconut oil into the scalp and roots of the hair for five minutes in the shower or bathtub. Leave the mixture in your hair for approximately 10 minutes before rinsing with cool water. Shampoo your hair with a gentle conditioner and let your hair dry naturally instead of using a towel or hair dryer. Coconut oil can be used on a daily basis as long as it does not irritate your skin.

Lime Juice and Olive Oil

A mixture of lime juice and olive oil is a common home remedy for fighting a dry, flaky scalp, as the lime juice can help fight bacteria buildup on the scalp while the olive oil helps to add essential moisture back to the scalp. To use lime juice and olive oil on the scalp, mix 2 tbsp. of freshly-squeezed or all-natural lime juice with 3 tbsp. of olive oil in a small container. Gently massage the mixture into the scalp and roots of the hair for six to eight minutes before rinsing the hair with cool water. Shampoo with a gentle shampoo and condition with a moisturizing conditioner, if you use one, before letting your hair dry naturally. Lime juice and olive oil can be used on a daily basis as long as the citrus juice does not irritate your scalp


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